Tuesday 12-05-23 Workout Of The Day
E4M – 3
3 Front Squats (R1. 70% R2. 80% R3. 90%)
5 Seated Strict Press
Ski 400/500m repeats w. 1:30 recovery between rounds (aprox 17.5 min)
Part A. we build on our front squat cycle. In a four minute window perform three front squats and five heavy kettlebell strict press. Use the recommended percentages above or go by feel.
Part B. are ski repeats. Set your monitors to “Intervals distance” and the rest to 1:30. Aim for consistent or slightly faster times by at least a second each round. Don’t go out too hot or you’ll crash and burn. For larger class sizes, alternate working partners while resetting your monitor to the 400 or 500m meter repeats in the settings and use a countdown for your meters to see your projected finish time.