Tuesday 12-13-22 Workout Of The Day
Happy 43rd Birthday Lorrie! Starke and the community would not be what it is and where it is without you. Since we need time to warm up and prep for the workout unfortunately we won’t be able to do a 43 minute AMRAP BUT you can finish the other 13 minutes in your heart if you choose to 🙂
AMRAP – 30 (in teams of two)
43 Kcal Ski
43 Front Squats RX: 95/135# INT: 85/115# BEG: 65/95# +/-
43 C2B Pull Ups
43 Kcal ECHO
43 DB Step Overs 35/50# +/-
43 KBS 50/70# +/- (shoulder height)
In teams of two with one person working at a time, chip away at all movements and modify weights and movements as needed.
43 Kcal Ski Time Trial (set ski erg for Kcal count down for an exact time)