Tuesday 12-19-23 Workout Of The Day
E3M – 5
1 Front Squat
AMRAP – 10
1 Rope Climb (2 up down’s if your feet stay on the ground) or 6 commando chin ups
30 Double Unders or 60 single skips
10 Box Jump Overs
Today is your chance to test your true 1RM front squat. You’ll have time to build to your working weight then play with attempts over five rounds of singles. Aim for 80, 85, 90, 95, 101-105% for your front squats
Part B. is a short AMRAP with some skill involved. Pick variations that will keep you moving for the rope climb or the chin ups and a number of double unders that won’t take you longer than 45 seconds to attempt.
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