Tuesday 2-19-19
Handstand Push Up Progressions 6-8 min or Handstand Walk progression
*This can be different for EVERYONE so make sure to do what YOU need to do to become better with the help of your coach…
Some of the variations might be as follows
- New members: Seated strict pressing work with Kettlebells to build shoulder strength and endurance.
- Newer / Able Member: Kicking up to the wall is the next step that needs to happen before a handstand push-up can happen.
- Inverted “L” Push-Ups
- Kicking up to the wall then lowering to a mat with control
- Kicking up then lowering with a 2-3 second decent and then kicking back up (completing the HSPU)
- Strict HSPU: Ideally this would be first on the list but it’s not always possible for an athlete needing to get better shoulder strength
- Deficit HSPU kipping with tempo or strict
- Handstand walk for athletes who have the above, movements but need to put in some upside down time and effort to find balance and stability. This could be attempting to kick up and balance or taking 4-6 steps / min for the EMOM portion.
3-6 Reps of your predetermined progression from part A. The goal is consistency for all 8 rounds in this part.
For-Time @ 85/115#
5 Rounds of…
7 Back Squat Jumps @ 85/115#
7 S2OH
then directly into…
5 Rounds of…
6 Hang Squat Cleans
6 Bar Over Burpees
then Directly into…
5 ROunds of…
5 Thrusters
5 C2B Pull-Ups or 3 Bar Muscle-Ups
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