Tuesday 2-21-23 Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 2-21-23 Workout Of The Day

20 RFT
Alternating rounds

14/20 Kcal ECHO
10 Ring Dips Box Dips , Bench Dips.

14/20 Kcal Ski
10 KB Thrusters

RX: 30/40#
Intermediate: 25/35#
Beginner: 20/30#

In today’s workout, person 1 will complete a full round of 14/20 kcal ECHO and 10 ring dips before person 2 starts the 14/20 Ski and 10 KB Thrusters. Once person 2 finishes their round, person 1 will complete the 14/20 Ski and 10 KB Thrusters before person two does a round of 14/20 kcal ECHO and 10 ring dips.

By the end of the workout, each person should complete a total of 5 rounds of each couplet. Think of it as person 1 starts, then chases person 2 🙂

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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