Tuesday 3-21-23 Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 3-21-23 Workout Of The Day

For Time…
100 Wall Balls 14/20#
72 / 90 Kcal Row
80 OH KBS (or shoulder height) 35/50# +/-
56 / 70 Kcal ECHO
60 T2B / HLR / Anchored wall ball sit-ups
40 / 50 Kcal Ski
40 KB Thrusters (20 / arm, same weight as swings)
30 OH Walking KB Lunges (15 / arm)
20 Burpee Broad Jumps
10 Ring Muscle Ups or 10 C2B Pull Ups

Today’s workout is a chipper. Complete each exercise in order for the complete number of reps before moving onto the next exercise. If you’re a newer member and need the repetitions modified, talk to a coach or use the tweaked version below! Move well and have fun!

For Time…
Modified “Avengers”
50 Wall Balls 10/14# +/-
45 Kcal Row
40 KBS 25/40# +/-
35 Kcal ECHO
30 T2B / HLR / Anchored wall ball sit-ups
25 Kcal Ski
20 KB Thrusters (10 / arm, same weight as swings)
15 OH or front rack walking KB lunges (15 / arm)
10 Burpee Broad Jumps
5 Dips and 5 Pull Ups


people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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