Tuesday 4-12-22 Workout Of The Day
For Time
“Captain Jack”
50/60 Kcal Row
3 Rounds of…
10 HSPU / Push Press
10 Front Squats
Rest 3 Min
40/50 Kcal Ski
4 Rounds of…
15 C2B Pull Ups
16 Alternating front rack lunges
Rest 3 min
30/40 Kcal ECHO
5 Rounds of…
10 Hang Power Cleans
10 Lateral barf over burpees
RX: 65/95#
Intermediate: 55/75#
Beginner: 45/65# +/-
Today’s workout is a little longer and a solo effort. The weights are a little lighter and so move quickly through this. Your sets should be unbroken with the BB for all rounds.