GYM NEWS: Happy Birthday Starke!!! June 1st is our 9 year anniversary. Last year with everything going on, we were just opening back up from the first lockdown. I didn’t know if we would be able to open up and if we’d be able to hang on through the COVID storm. We’re now in our third lockdown and I’m reminding myself of the amazing people we’ve had through our doors in the past nine years and how it’s shaped and moulded who we’ve become over that time. It would be nice to have a “party” at some point but I’ll settle for being able to open up again and continuing to change lives.

To those of you who have been with us since the beginning thank you for trusting us with your health and fitness. We wouldn’t be where we are without you and to those of you who have jumped on the gain train along the way, the ride is far from done…

We’ll save the “Starke” workout till everyone can come back #cantwait 🙂

Tuesday 6-01-21 Starke HomeFit

EMOM – 20
Minute 1. 8-10 DB Box Step Overs 16″/20″
Minute 2. 8 Strict Press
Minute 3. 6-10 Burpee Box Overs
Minute 4. 10-12 Renegade Row Bent Over Row

For part A. we have a bit of a strength / capacity EMOM. The step overs and burpees will get your heart rate up and challenge your capacity while the STRICT press and rows will require you to recover and keep your heart rate down. Choose weights that challenge you and movements you didn’t do in yesterday’s workout as modifications in “Murph”

30 Double Unders or 60 Single Skips or 15 Toe Taps
6 DB/KB Clusters
10 Box Jumps / Step Ups

Part B. Is a short and quick workout. Choose a weight you can go unbroken for on the clusters and “rest” on the box jumps. Eight minutes will go by fast so ease into the first part and floor it for the last half.