Tuesday 6-12-18 Workout Of The Day

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Tuesday 6-12-18

CrossFit & Fitness:

A. E3M 7

3 Front Squat @ 88% of 1RM

or Find a heavy repeatable Three Reps for the day.

*For athletes that do not have an optimal front rack position, cross your arms for a modified front rack position.


“One Shot”


8 Thrusters 65/95#

8 Pull Ups



8 Thrusters KB option @ 25/40# +/-

8 Reps or Kcal of another movement…

I’m not gonna lie, this workout should hurt like hell. Pick a weight that you can do eight thrusters straight through and a second method that’s gonna suck just as much as unbroken kipping or butterfly pull-ups.

Some suggested options would be jumping pull-ups (hands stay connected to the bar the whole time), row, air bike, lateral bar jump burpees (no push-up, just from the plank position), I bet nobody’s gonna pick that option after yesterday J

This workout is a sprint and the only time you should be stopping is the transition time between the thrusters and your second movement and back… Even then the transitions should be as quick and consistent and possible.

You want the same dose response and “feel” of the workout as the programmed workout. If the exercise needs to be changed for the athlete to get that “feel”, there’s nothing wrong with that. If you pick a weight that’s too heavy for this workout or choose pull ups but can only do two at a time, there’s no way you’ll get the “feel’ or the intended response for the workout. Get it?

Start quick and consistent and finish like a freakin freight train…

See you on the other side…


people working out in a group fitness class


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