Tuesday 9-06-22 Workout Of The Day
E3M – 6 (18 Min)
3 Front Squats & 5 Strict Pull Ups
Find a heavy three front squats for the day and a challenging variation for pull ups and perform both on a three minute clock for six rounds.
AMRAP – 12
“Chump Change”
10 Double DB Snatches
7/10 Kcal ECHO
10 Alt Renegade Rows (no push up)
7/10 Kcal Ski
RX: 30/40#
Intermediate: 20/30#
Beginner: 15/25#
Find a partner and share the bike and ski. One person will start on the ECHO Bike and the other on the ski so you don’t run into each other. For your dbl. db snatches touch the front head of the DB to the ground each rep. before popping your hips and punching the sky. Hold a solid plank position for the renegade rows and try to maintain stable hips as you pull one DB off the ground.
Have fun!