Tuesday 9-20-22 Workout Of The Day
E90 – 6
2 Snatches from the ground.
These snatches can be power or squat depending on limitations if any. Add weight if the movement is looking good and you’re moving well. You won’t be able to get extremely heavy as 90 seconds isn’t a lot of rest time.
“Fun With Snatches”
10 RFT
3 Snatches
+ 1 Round of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)
+ 1 Gate Run
RX: 95/135#
Intermediate: 85/115#
Beginner 65/95# +/-
Today’s workout is a long one. Perform ten rounds of the above workout for time! You should be able to touch and go three reps of your snatches fresh. This doesn’t mean you need to do it during the workout but if you struggle with three singles at your chosen weight, this workout won’t go well. Be smart, move well adn have fun! Modify Snatches with cleans if needed!