Wednesday 08-01-18 Workout Of The Day

Wednesday 08-01-18 WOD

CrossFit & Fitness:

Row 42,195m

Today’s workout is going to be a long one. Just like the CrossFit Games athletes, you will have a chance to compete with them.

Tomorrow we will all be rowing a full marathon row.

A few tips to make your experience a good one…

-Stay hydrated: You may start cramping up 10 minutes into the row so staying hydrated will help with that. Gatorade or a mixture of Orange Juice, Water (half a cup of each) and some sea salt will be a good electrolyte beverage.

-A towel will help you to stay dry when you get all sweaty.

-I’m not a fan of chalk on the hands because when you start sweating you’ll lose your grip and it makes thing even worse. A pair of gloves might work better.

-Some snacks might be good to keep the energy levels up but don’t stop rowing for too long as your monitor might turn off and you’ll have to start all over again.

-This is just a joke so if you’ve read this far you’ll realize that this isn’t the workout. The real one will be posted at 10pm tonight and it’s only a half marathon row 🙂

people working out in a group fitness class


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