Wednesday 1-06-2020 Starke HomeFit

E6:00 x 6 sets*
*mix order every round
12/10 cals
10 burpees
10 front rack lunges
10 pushups
10 front squats
10 t2b

Workout Notes/Intentions: You will perform 1 round of the above movements, every 6 minutes for a total of 6 rounds. The goal is to take under 6 minutes, so you get some rest. Aim for about 60-90 seconds of rest each round. You must mix your order each set. If it helps to write out 6 different combinations of these movements prior to starting the WOD, you can do that (or your coach can assist with that). Try to create variations that are quite different each time. If you aren’t getting enough rest, drop the reps to 8. Use a barbell or DB’s/KB’s for the movements. Each exercise should be doable unbroken, perhaps t2b and pushups may be broken up once very quickly as you get tired. For the most part this should be a smooth and unbroken workout.