Wednesday 10-04-23 Workout Of The Day
One max set of wall balls 14/20# 9’/10′ target
EMOM – 25 (5 rounds)
Minute 1. 15 Wall Balls 14/20+/-
Minute 2. 16 Alternating DB Snatches 35/50# +/-
Minute 3. 10 Box Jump Overs
Minute 4. Row for Max Kcal
Minute 5. Rest
Workout Notes: Part A. Is part of our October challenge. Bust out as many UNBROKEN wall balls in once set, no stopping and resting. The class will be split in half so you’ll have a counter for your reps. It’s time to get your ball on!
Part B. Today’s workout is an EMOM. Find weights and variations that will allow you to go unbroken on the repetitions above. Push the pace for max calories on the Roer in your last round as coaches will be taking your numbers of calories completed for all five rounds.