Wednesday 10-12-22 Workout Of The Day

Wednesday 10-12-22 Workout Of The Day

With a running clock…

For Time
Row 70/100 Kcal for time

*EMOM until complete, perform 5 over the rower burpees before picking up where you left off.

Rest 3 min

100 Wall Balls

*EMOM until complete, perform 6 T2B / HLR before picking up where you left off

Rest 3 min

100 Ring Rows

*EMOM until complete, perform 8 push-ups  before picking up where you left off

Today’s workout is three separate mini workouts with a little rest in between. Two clocks will be running for this workout. The wall clock for your current time, rest and total time and the boxing timer for a bell every minute. Make your transitions quick so you can complete your 100 reps as quick as possible.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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