Wednesday 11-15-23 Starke Sweat

Wednesday 11-15-23 Starke Sweat

E75 – 16 (20 Min)
6-8 BB Chest Press
6-8 St. Pull Ups
6-8 Dbl. KB Strict Press
6-8 Split Stance DL / leg

5 DBL DB Thrusters
5 T2B / HLR  / Dragon flags

RX: 30/40#
Int: 25/35#
Beg: 20/30# +/-

Today’s workout is a little heavier for part a with a short met con for part B. Find some challenging weights for part a keeping in mind you have 75 seconds to complete your five reps. You should be getting a lot of rest with this but none of these movements are competing so you should be able to go fairly heavy with your choices.

Part B is low wrap and a little shorter in time so you can push the pace and make your transitions quick. Choose weights that will allow you to go unbroken on your thrusters and not spend too much time resting between exercises.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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