Wednesday 12-08-21 Workout Of The Day

Wednesday 12-08-21

E2M – 5
Build to a challenging 3 TNG (touch and go) or hang snatch.

Use this segment to build some weight and work on cycling your barbell snatch. Snatches can be power or squat snatches or a combination of both depending on ability and skill level.

  • For members with issues going overhead, perform the workout with cleans.

1600m/1100m Ski
30 Snatches @ 95/135#

RX 1100/1600 Ski 95/135#
Intermediate 1100/1600 Ski 65/95#
Beginner 700m/1000m 35-45/45-55#

  • Goal time <15min
  • Set a pace and stay consistent on the ski erg and ease off with about 60-80m left
  • Snatches can be power TNG or singles if needed. Members who are newer to snatching should begin from the hang rather than the ground and finish in a power position.
  • Reps should be clean and crisp and the goal should be to have your last reps look like your first reps.
people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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