Wednesday 12-29-21 Workout Of The Day

Wednesday 12-29-21

In teams of two #yougoigo
20/15 Kcal Row
10 Over the rower Burpees
10 T2B / HLR
*Tag partner to trade off…

Todays workout will be shared with a friend 🙂 Rowers will be set up along the wall with the white board and change rooms where rowers will be able to see the pull up rig. Person one will hit their Kcal on the rower, perform 10 over the rower burpees, jog to the rig, hit 10 hanging leg raise or T2B then run back and tag their partner on the rower before they begin working away at their round beginning on the rower. Push the pace as rounds will be anywhere from 2:00-2:30 each. If rounds become longer than 2:30, knock down Kcal, Burpees over the rower and T2B by two reps each until you find the sweet spot.

people working out in a group fitness class


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