Wednesday 2-22-23 Workout Of The Day
E2:30 – 6
Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1-1
Today we get to max out our Bench press. Find a challenging single to kick things off and decide in advance what you would like to end up with for a final lift.
Example. If you want to finish with 225 as your 6th working lift, you may want to make 5lb/side jumps each round so round 1 should start at 175 then the following attempts would be 185-195-205-215-225. Your jumps will be either 2.5lbs – 5lbs so plan accordingly. If you wanted to hit your max by a 4th or 5th round and have a little room to go up or drop down for a couple sets, you’re welcome to go that way as well.
Ladder 8
“Devils Ladder”
1 Devils Press*
7/10 Kcal Row
*Increase the devils press by one rep each round completed.
RX: 35/50#
Intermediate: 30/40#
Beginner: 25/35#
Short and sweet. Pick a weight you can do a minimum of five reps unbroken under fatigue for your devils press.