Wednesday 3-09-22 Workout Of the Day

E2M – 6
3 TNG Power Cleans

2 Min isn’t a lot of time to get super heavy BUT you should be getting heavier than what you’ll use in the workout 🙂

For Time
Supercharged “Hickey
Power Clean
Burpees (to a 6″ target)

*51 Double unders after each round completed (after the round of 21 is completed, after the round of 15 is completed, then again after the round of 9 is completed to finish off).

RX: 95/135#
Intermediate: 65/95#
Beginner: 55/75# +/-

Part B. is a bumped up version of a HERO WOD “Hickey”. Use your T2B bar as your 6″ target for burpees. Choose a weight you’ll be able to do your cleans in 2-3 sets on your round of 21 and your S2 OH in 2-3 sets.