Wednesday 4-08-20
EMOM – 25 (Five rounds through)
Minute 1.
12 Front Squats 65/95# (or DB or KB Front Squats)
Minute 2.
12 T2B or Modified Dragon Flags
Minute 3.
12 HSPU / Push Press
Minute 4.
12 Bar or Bell Over Burpees (Lateral)
Minute 5.
12 Hang Power Cleans
For today’s workout have your methods of execution in mind and equipment ready. We’ll hit a group warmup and dynamic warm-up like usual and go through the movements systematically to make sure everyone knows how they’re going to hit this workout. We should be getting a minimum 20 seconds rest every round so reps and weight can be modified to achieve this.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in class.