Wednesday 5-25-22 Workout Of The Day
AMRAP – 30
“Lonely Island”
400/500m Row
20 Box Jumps Overs 20/24″ +/-
15 DB Floor Press
10 Devils Press
5 Bar Muscle Ups / C2B Pull Ups / Pull Ups / Ring Rows
*E5M Take 1 Minute Rest (rest 1 min @ the 5, 10, 15, 20 & 25 minute mark)
RX: 35/50# DB’s
Intermediate: 30/40# DB’s
Beginner: 20/30# DB’s
Today’s workout is a solo 30 minute AMRAP. The good news is that you’ll get a one minute rest every five minutes ( you’re welcome). Floor Press and devils press weights should be the same.