Wednesday 7-03-24 Workout Of The Day
E2:30 – 5
5 Deadlift
15 BB Deadlift @ 67% of 1RM
AMRAP – 12
“Tug N Run”
10 C2B Pull Ups / Pull Ups / Ring Rows
150m Run
Part A. is a little build to our 15 RM set today in part B. Use part A. to get to around 67%+ of your one rep max deadlift. The percentage should be a little higher than last week as we’ve dropped five reps from our 20. You may want to go a little higher than 67% with your weights then drop down for your set of 15 🙂
Part B is a simple couplet. Pick a pull up variation you can perform you 10 reps in 1-2 sets then get out on your run. Pace the run so you can get back on the bar as soon as you get back in. PRO TIP: You DO NOT need to chalk up before every set of pull ups 🙂
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