Wednesday 7-27-22 Workout Of The Day
E4M – 5
5 Deadlifts & 5 Strict Handstand Push Ups or Strict KB Press
Part A. is all about strength building. Take your time, move well and go heavy! Build to a heavy weight for your deadlifts and method for HSPU or your presses and try to add a little more through your working rounds. You have four minutes to get a total of ten reps done so they should be heavy!
50 Double Unders, single skips or toe taps.
10 Deadlift
15 T2B
Intermediate: 125/185#
Beginner: 95/135#
Today’s workout gives you a chance to move some heavier weight, work on some double unders and Toes To Bar. Use mixed grip on the deadlifts and save your grip for the T2B then relax those shoulders and your breathing for the Dubs. It’s only five rounds. It’ll be fun 🙂