Wednesday 7-31-24 Workout Of The Day
E90 – 15
1. 1 BB Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats
2. 6-8 Ring, Box or Bench Dips
3. 6-8 Strict Pull Ups
For Time
“Escalator” (cap 14)
Alt DB Snatches
Toes To Bar
Directly into
Single DB Thrusters
Push Ups
Directly into
Single DB Power Cleans
Single DB Alt. reverse lunges
Part A. is a little strength EMOM with three movements find a challenging weight to kick things off and build through your rounds.
Part B are three separate 21-15-9 rep schemes. Pick one DB weight for all three and move quickly. A good goal would be 4 minutes +/- per round.
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