Tuesday 8-07-24 Workout Of The Day
E3M – 6 (18 min)
Clean Complex
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk (power or split)
For Time (cap – 17)
“Gracious Grace”
30 Kcal ECHO
30 BB Clean & Jerks
30 Kcal ECHO
BB Weight
RX: 95/135#
Int: 85/115#
Beg: 65/95#~
Today’s workout kicks off with a little clean complex. The priority is to ALWAYS move well over the weight being used. Lighter weight and better movement will always take you further than heavier weight and poor movement.
Part B is a simple and devious AMRAP. Pace your first cals on the ECHO bike so you can chip away at your clean & Jerks. You may hit these reps as singles rather than multiples especially if you go a little heavier. Use DB’s or KB from the ground if needed.
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