Wednesday 8-17-22 Workout Of The Day
E4M – 5
5 BB Deadlift & 5 DB Chest Press.
Go hard and go heavy. Part A is all about moving weight. You have a four minute window to build to and through each round. If you’re moving well. Add some weight 🙂
“Simply Sinister”
10 Goblet Squats
10 KBS (overhead)
10 Push Ups
RX: 35/50#
Intermediate: 30/40#
Beginner: 25/35#
*Buy in 400m run when the clock starts…
Three simple movements that will keep you moving. The only movement you might hit a snag on is the push ups. Don’t go till failure. If you feel yourself slowing down, take a break, shake out your arms and get back to work.