Wednesday 8-21-24 Workout Of The Day
For Time
“Triple Three”
3000m Row
300 Double Unders OR 450 Single Unders
3k Run*
*or substitute for equivalent distance on machine
Today is ALLLLL cardio baby. Make sure to bring your sunglasses and water bottles because it’s going to get HOT!!!
Pace yourself on the row and skipping to keep a controlled pace on the run and finish with a kick!
*The run…
Leave the garage doors at Starke and head east on Kapelus Dr. Turn left into the Gateway Church driveway and stay on the left side up to and around the church on the sidewalk. After completing the counter clockwise lap around the church head out on the left side of the driveway. Turn left onto Kapelus and take the first left onto Middlechurch Gate all the way down to the stop sign. Once you hit the stop sign, turn around and head back exactly the way you came, performing a clockwise lap around Gateway church and back to the finishing line at Starke!
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