Wednesday 9-07-22 Workout Of The Day

Wednesday 9-07-22 Workout Of The Day

E90 – 5 (7.5 min)
3 TNG Squat Cleans

Have some weight near by and build to a challenging three touch and go squat cleans. Keep the load lighter if you’re a bit newer and need to work on form and technique.

AMRAP – 20
“Penguin Run”
5 Squat Cleans* + Gate run & back

*Add one rep every round completed

RX: 110/155#
Intermediate: 85/115#
Beginner: 55/75#

This AMRAP will be about moving consistently. Pick a weight you can perform three to five touch and go reps FRESH for this workout. Spending too much time in between reps doing singles will slow your workout down considerably. If you want this workout to be a little heavier and have a bit of a grind to it, go heavier as long as you’re moving well consistently. If you want to keep moving and get more rounds and reps in, go on the lighter side.

You may notice part way through that you’re running a little like a penguin… 🙂

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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