Wednesday 9-13-17 Workout Of The Day

Wednesday 9-13-17 Workout Of The Day

Starke News: If you havent noticed this week is all about the workouts athletes did in the Starke games over the weekend. We will be modifying them here and there but this will give Starke athletes a chance to do what everyone else did over the weekend and maybe get you thinking about #starkegames2018 😉

In Teams of two…

Eight alternating rounds for time of…

15 Double Bell Clean & Jerk 30/50#

500m Row

Athlete 1 should complete the 15 kettlebell clean & jerks and the 500m row before athlete two starts the clean & jerks.

The goal for this workout is to choose a weight that you can do for 15 unbroken reps under stress. This should be a high intensity workout so while you’re partner is working, you should be resting.


people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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