Wednesday 9-14-22 Workout Of The Day
EMOM – 20
Minute 1.
3-5 Deadlifts
MInute 2.
5 Strict HSPU / Pike Push Up or DB/KB Press
Minute 3.
6-8 Strict Pull Ups (C2B or add weight)
Minute 4.
6-8 Dips (ring, box or bench)
Find challenging weights and methods for these four movements but keep in min there’s not much recovery time in between rounds you should be working for about 20-25 seconds and resting / transition for 35-40 seconds.
Gate Run
+ 21/30 Kcal ECHO
RX: 155/225#
Intermediate: 125/185#
Beginner: 95/135#
Today we’ll find out who the “Gatekeeper” really is… Perform 21 deadlifts then a gate run to the fence and back then 15 + gate run then 9 + gate run. As soon as you get back for your gate run after your rounds of nine jump on the ECHO bike and send it for 21/30 Kcal to stop the clock.