Wednesday 9-28-22 Workout Of The Day
30 C&J
1 Mile Run
10 Rope Climbs (or grounded rope climbs or 30 chin ups)
1 Mile Run
100 Burpees
1 Mile Run Substitutions
1600/2000m Row
3200/4000m C2 Bike
96/120 Kcal ECHO
RX: 95/135
Intermediate: 65/95#
Beginner 55/75#
Today’s workout is a long one. There are modifications to make this challenging and doable. Pick a weight you can do 5-8 touch and go clean and jerks with even though most will be doing singles for the majority of the 30 reps. Pace yourself accordingly and try to keep moving. There may be a little “bottle neck” at the rope climbs but it’s worked great in the past with big classes and people taking turns on the rope as you’ll need rest in between climbs.