Monday 02-05-24 Starke Sweat

Monday 02-05-24 Starke Sweat A. E75-16 (4 rounds 20 minutes) 10 Walking KB Lunges 10 Dbl DB Snatches 10 Dbl KB Front squats 10 Alt DB Renegade rows B. 5 Rounds for time... "Bike N' Body" 8/10 Kcal ECHO 8 Air squats 6 Push ups 4 Burpees Find a challenging weight for...

Tuesday 01-30-24 Starke Sweat

Tuesday 01-30-24 Starke Sweat A. EMOM - 15 1. 6-8 Strict Thrusters 2. 10 Gorilla Rows 3. 6-8 DB Burpee Deadlifts (no push-up) B. 12 Min AMRAP Wall Ball ladder + 2 shuttle runs *E3M 5 Burpees (0, 3, 6, 9) The wallball ladder starts at 5 wall balls and climbs by one...

Wednesday 01-24-24 Starke Sweat

Wednesday 01-24-24 Starke Sweat 30 rounds of... Work :30 Rest :30 1. DB Chest Press 2. DB Box step overs 3. Dips 4. Dbl. DB Cleans 5. Kcal Ski 6. Rest Today's workout is on a :30 clock. Choose weights and movements you can keep moving on for the majority of your 30...

Monday 01-22-24 Starke Sweat

Monday 01-22-24 Starke Sweat A. E75 - 15 (18.75min) 10 KBS 8 Dbl. KB or Goblet squats 6 Dbl. DB/KB Push press 4 Single leg hip hinge / leg 2 Pull ups @ 31x1 or + weight B. AMRAP - 10 12/15 Kcal Ski 10 Alternating lunges 8 box jumps

Friday 01-19-24 Starke Sweat

Friday 01-19-24 Starke Sweat A. Circuit - 16 10 Walking lunges 8 ring push ups 6 Pull ups 2 x sled pulls B. AMRAP - 12 10 Wall balls 8 Shuttle runs 16/20 Kcal C2

Thursday 01-18-24 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 01-18-24 Workout Of The Day “Beach You Off” In teams of two. AMRAP 30 50 Kcal ECHO 50 T2B / HLR 50 Alt DB Snatches 50 Kcal Ski 50 Box Jump overs 50 Single DB/KB hang squat cleans DB/KB Weights RX: 35/50# Int: 30/40# Beg: 20/30# +/- Today’s workout is a...



A clean, well-stocked gym with lots of amenities and super-friendly people to greet you. Caring, committed coaches who are dedicated to your success. Honestly, you won’t find a better box than Starke Strength & Conditioning in West St Paul / Winnipeg, where your new fitness family awaits you. Sign up for your choice of specialty classes, or work one-on-one—regardless of your preference, we’ve got everything you need to meet your training goals. Come train with us and you’ll never look back.