Starke Sweat Monday June 17th – Friday June 21st 2024

Monday 6-17-24

EMOM – 16 (4 rounds through)
1. 8 Goblet Squats
2. 8 Push Press
3. 8 Alt Gorilla Rows
4. 45 Second plank (top of push up position)

8/10 Kcal ECHO
6 Box Jump Overs
4 Burpees to a target

Today we have a little strength work for part A. Choose weights that are challenging but will allow you to keep moving.

Part B is a shorter AMRAP. No weights required, just a bike, a box and a burpee. Stay consistent and save something for the last rounds.

Tuesday 6-18-24

AMRAP – 25
In teams of two…

“Hold It Together” 

For Time: 

80/100 Kca Row Row 

75 Pull-ups / Ring Rows

50 Dumbbell Box Step-ups (16/20″) 

‍25 Ring / Box Dips 

Dumbbells: 35/50#

7 Minute Abs (core work, coaches choice)

Today we have a partner workout where you’ll share the load with only one person working at a time. Chip away at the above reps and pace yourselves accordingly to keep moving. 

Wednesday 6-19-24

Circuit – 20
10 Walking Lunges
1 Sled Push
10 Alt Renegade Rows (no pushup)
15 KBS

In teams of two.
AMRAP – 10
Max Cal ECHO
*E2M starting at 0, perform ten synchro push ups with your partner (minute marks 0,2,4,6,8)

Part A. is a little strength circuit. Find some challenging weights and use your transition from one movement to the other as rest.
Part B is with a partner. Push the pace on the bike for max calories but every two minutes starting at 0 perform ten synchro pushups together.

Thursday 6-20-24
EMOM – 14 (7 rounds each) 
Odd: 6-8 Bench Press (barbell or DB) 
Even: 8-10 Dbl. KB Deadlift

AMRAP – 15
10 Dbl DB Thrusters
10 Anchored sit ups
10 Dbl DB Hang Power Cleans
150m Run 

Part A is a little strength couplet with bench and kettlebell deadlifts. Choose challenging weights and stay consistent.

Part B is a 15 minute AMRAP. You should be able to go unbroken with your chosen weights so choose well 🙂

Friday 6-21-24

3 Rounds of…
3:00 work 1:30 Rest (13:30)
8/10 Kcal ECHO
10 DB Snatches (alt. or 5&5)
10 Up downs (burpee, no push-up)  

Rest 3 Min

3 Rounds of…
3:00 work 1:30 Rest (13:30)
10 Wall Balls
10 Alt back lunges (body weight)
8/10 Kcal Ski

* Total time for Part A. 30min 
* Pick up where you left off after each round. You score is the total number of rounds in your three sets

B. Core work coaches choice

Part A. is a little interval workout. Push the pace for three rounds then rest for 90 seconds. Don’t forget to keep track of your rounds and pick up where you leave off after each break.