Wednesday 12-01-21 Workout Of the Day

Wednesday 12-01-21 A. EMOM – 12 Odd Minutes: 3-5 Chin Ups @ 31X1 Even Minutes: 5 DB Floor or Bench Press @ 31X1 Part A. should be slow and steady getting your core, shoulders and lats fired up for the strict T2R along with building some upper body strength. Take...

Tuesday 11-30-21 Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 11-30-21A. EMOM – 12 Odd Minutes: 3-5 Strict weighted pull-ups Even Minutes: 6 Bi-lateral DB/KB Push Press (both arms same time) Part A. Is a bit of strict strength work to get the upper body primed and prepped for the thrusters in part B. Find the most...

Monday 11-29-21 Workout Of The Day

Monday 11-29-21 A. E2:30 – 5 3 Deadlifts increasing weight every round. In part A. try and build up to a weight higher than you’ll be using for the workout in Part B. Find your heavy and mechanically sound three reps. B.   For Time…. RX 155/225#...

Sunday 11-28-2021 Workout Of the Day

Sunday 11-28-2021 Workout Of the Day A. EMOM x 15 1: 10 alt. KB Z-press 2: 10 strict t2b/t2r 3: 2 lengths cross body KB carry (switch arms half way) B. 5 RFT 40 DU/80 singles 10 KB C&J @30/40# 10 dbl DB deadlifts @50/70# 10 ring dips Workout Notes/Intentions: For...

Saturday 11-27-2021 Workout Of the Day

Saturday 11-27-2021 Workout Of the Day With a running clock… 3 rounds 500m ski 25 box jumps @20/24” 25 burpees rest 3:00 3 rounds 500m row 25 wallballs @14/20# 25 pullups Workout Notes/Intentions: today’s wod is a solo effort! 3 rounds of each portion- some people may...