by Paul Dyck | Dec 29, 2017 | Group S&C Workout
Saturday 12-30-17 Workout Of The Day E5M x 5 Every five minutes complete the following 500m Row 20 KBS 45/60 20 HRPU (Hand release push ups)
by Paul Dyck | Dec 28, 2017 | Group S&C Workout
Friday 12-29-17 Workout Of The Day In teams of two… “Holiday Cheer” 20 Min Partner AMRAP 15 Ring Muscle Ups / Ring Dips 15 Box Over Burpees 20/24″ 15 Deadlift @ 155/225# 150 Double Unders / Single...
by Paul Dyck | Dec 27, 2017 | Group S&C Workout
Thursday 12-28-17 Workout Of The Day CrossFit 21 Min EMOM 10 Thrusters 65/95# 10 C2B Pull-Ups 12/16 Kcal Row Fitness 21 Min EMOM 10 KB Thrusters 25/40# 12/16 Kcal Row 10 Jumping...
by Paul Dyck | Dec 26, 2017 | Group S&C Workout
Wednesday 12-27-17 Workout Of The Day CrossFit: A. E3M for 7 Rounds 3 Hang Squats Cleans B. 5 Min Max Kcal Row Fitness: E3M for 7 Rounds Double Bell Clean & Front Squat 40/60# 3 Strict Chin Ups 3 Ring Dips or Push Ups *Make all reps as challenging as...
by Paul Dyck | Dec 25, 2017 | Group S&C Workout
12-26-17 Workout Of The Day Boxing Day “Twelve Rounds” Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you had a great day with your family and loved ones. with lots of quality time, food, and time to reflect. I was thinking of what we could do for a boxing day workout...
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