Thursday 4-25-24 Workout Of The Day
“Cold Turkey”
For Time (cap 35)
4,000/3,600 Meter Bike Erg or 96/120 Kcal ECHO (or split 1/2 & 1/2)
2,000/1,600 Meter Row
10 Rope Climbs (15′)*
*Performed As:
2 Minute work
1 Minute rest
** Sub rope climbs for 10 grounded rope climbs AND 20 chin ups.
Today we have an interval style conditioning workout. With 2:00 work and 1:00 rest. Keep your output levels very consistent through the workout. With the 2 work 1 rest your can keep the intensity a little higher than normal for your work periods. Complete this workout “chipper” style (finish the entire station before moving to the next).