Saturday 7-27-24 Workout Of The Day

Saturday 7-27-24 Workout Of The Day In Teams of two… AMRAP – 30 “I’m with Fitter” 10 T2B / HLR 8 Box Jump Overs 6 Alt Renegade Rows (no push up) 4 Dbl DB Devils Press 2 Dbl DB Squat Cleans *E5M 150m Run (0,5,10,15,20,25) Today’s workout is a partner workout...

Friday 7-26-24 Workout Of The Day

Friday 7-26-24 Max A. E3M – 6 Back Squat 5-3-1-1-1-1 B. For Time 21-15-9 Thrusters & Bar Over Burpees Directly Into 9-15-21 Hang Power Cleans & Kcal Echo Today you have a chance to max out your back squat. Use the numbers and  percentages we’ve been...

Thursday 7-25-24 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 7-25-24 Workout Of The Day A. Skill work HSPU E75 – 5 1-5 HSPU (kipping or Strict) And 5-10 Double Unders B. For Time “Upside Down Hip Hop” 1 HSPU + 10 Double Unders / 15 Single Unders 2 HSPU + 20 Double Unders / 30 Single Unders  3 HSPU + 30 Double...

Wednesday 7-24-24 Workout Of The Day

Wednesday 7-24-24 Workout Of The Day A. E3M – 6 Deadlift 5-3-1-1-1-1 B. 4 RFT (cap 17) “Power Ball” 16/20 Kcal Row 15 OH KBS 35/50+/-  10 Alt Back Lunges (one bell) In part A we get to retest our max deadlift. You’ve hit different percentages over several weeks...

Tuesday 7-23-24 Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 7-23-24 Workout Of The Day A. In Teams of two… AMRAP 29  “Forever 29” 29 Pull Ups 29 Front Squats 29 Hand Release Push Ups 29 Hang Power Cleans Ring Dips  29 Bar Over Burpees 29 Kcal Ski RX: 85/115# Int: 65/95#  Beg: 55/75#~ B. 3 x 29 Kcal C2 Bike with your...