‍Wednesday 4-24-24 Workout Of The Day

E2M – 5
2 Power cleans

Power Clean
Max Repetitions of Power Clean @ 90%
* To Technical Failure 

“Donny” [HERO] (cap 18) 

Deadlifts (225/155)

‍In part A & B, we’re in week 3 of our our max reps power clean. Members should target 2-5 touch and go reps with minimal deviation in mechanics. If you’re not sure of your  90%, use the 2-5 rep range to choose an appropriate load.

Part B. is a Hero WOD. the volume of deadlifts is a little higher so pick a load you’ll be able to maintain consistent mechanics and back positioning. Burpees AREN’T over the bar. Just straight up burpees over here…