Wednesday 10-18-17 Workout Of The Day
5 Rounds NFT
Squat Clean + 4 Front Squats 125/185#
5 Strict HSPU (add deficit as needed)
5 Double Bell Swings (heavy)
5 Strict C2B Chin Ups
5 Rounds NFT
Double Bell Clean & Front Squat 30/50# +/- (re-cleaning every time)
5 Pike Push Ups / Strict KB Press
5 Double Bell Swings (heavy)
5 Chin Ups (if using a band @ 31×1)
5 RFT (Rounds For Time)
10 KBS
10 Burpees Over bell
5 Wall Walks
10 Goblet Squats
10 Hollow Rocks or 30 Second Hollow Hold.