Friday 01-22-2021 Starke HomeFit

A. 2:00 on / 1:00 off x 6 sets
10 power cleans
then max DU’s

-Rest 5:00-

B. 2:00 on / 1:00 off x 6 sets
12 single DB hang C&J +
12 single DB step ups
then max burpees

Workout Notes/Intentions: Part A and B are the same format today. You will be working for 2 minutes, resting for 1. For Part A, each round begins with 10 power cleans and 10 HSPU (or pike pushups). You should be able to do both movements unbroken. Then you will spend remaining time accumulating DU’s. Your score for each round is number of DU’s you achieve. For Part B, it is the same style. The 12 reps are total (so 6 on each side). Your score for each round is total number of burpees. Aim for consistency across all rounds of A and all rounds of B.