Friday 06/30/2023 Workout Of the Day
EMOM x 36 min (6 rounds)
1: 5-7 devils press
2: 12/10 cal echo
3: 8-10 dbl DB hang C&J
4: 10-12 DB step overs
5: 12/10 cal ski
6: 10-12 burpees
RX: 35/50#
Int: 30/40#
Beg: 20/30#
Workout Notes: Today is a long EMOM. You will go through the movements for 6 rounds total. All DB movements are double DB- use the same weight for all. You should be getting some rest each minute to be able to maintain your efforts (~20 seconds). Adjust the reps as needed but try to be consistent for all 6 rounds.