Friday 12-02-22 Workout Of The Day
EMOM – 30 (5 Rounds)
Min 1.
3-5 BB Power Cleans
Min 2.
8-10 Burpee Box Overs
Min 3.
10 Dbl. KB Snatch 30/40# +/-
Min 4.
5-8 BB Front Squats
Min 5.
Max Kcal Ski
Min 6.
BB Weight
RX: 125/185#
Intermediate: 110/155#
Beginner: 95/135# +/-
Today’s EMOM includes some heavier weights. Choose a weight you can go unbroken on at least three touch and go cleans under fatigue and perform a minimum of five front squats with. Note your Kcal for your ski each round as coaches will take your numbers. Enjoy 🙂