Friday 2-16-24 Workout Of The Day & Starke Sweat
“All Lungs Baby”
AMRAP – 40
800/1000m C2
400/500m Row
24/30 Kcal ECHO
400/500m Ski
*Rest 2 min at the end of every full round completed.
** Know your seat heights and adjustments for quick transitions or try to jump on a bike/rower that’s already set up for you.
Today is ALL LUNGS BABY!!! Bring something comfortable to move in, have your water bottle nearby and keep it moving! Pick a pace you can move consistently with and transition quickly as someone will be on your tail. Machines may end up being first come, first served in the row ahead of you to help keep things moving in busier classes. Pay attention to your two minute rest and be ready to go as soon as it’s done!
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