Sunday 4-28-24 Workout Of The Day
“Pump Me Up”
1 Minute work (30 seconds each) then 1 minute rest for 3 rounds of each couplet
3 rounds of…
:30 DB Push Press
:30 DB Front Squats
-Rest 2 Min-
3 rounds of…
:30 Ring Rows
:30 Push Ups
-Rest 2 min-
3 rounds of…
:30 DB Lunges
:30 Alt DB Renegade rows (no push up)
-Rest 2 min-
3 rounds of…
:30 DB Curls (bi-lateral)
:30 Banded Press Downs
Today’s pump sesh is on a clock. Choose weights and methods that will keep you moving for the whole thirty seconds THEN go directly into the next exercise at the bell. You’ll perform one minute of work then one minute of rest for three rounds before moving onto the next couplet.