Friday 4-05-24 Workout Of The Day

E2M – 9
Bench Press

“Have A Ball”
Work 3 minutes Rest 1 minute x 5 Rounds:
50-40-30-20-10 Wall Balls 14/20#
Max Calorie Row

Today is a two part workout with some bench press strength in the beginning and a metcon to finish. For part A. find a challenging 5 reps to kick off your bench press then increase the weight as the reps drop. After hitting your single, perform a double with the same weight and try to keep the weights heavier for your second round through.

For part B. Perform the number of wall balls for each round and max kcal on the rower with the remaining time. Each round the number of wall balls drop so you SHOULD get a little more work done on the rower. There is a one minute rest at the end of each round to aid with recovery.