Friday 5-20-22 Workout Of The Day
In teams of two…
“Shock Therapy”
0:00 – 15:00 (15 minutes)
3000M Row + Max Squat cleans in remaining time
(rest 3 minutes 15:00-18:00)
18:00 – 30:00 (12 minutes)
2000m Ski + Max Squat cleans in remaining time
(rest 3 minutes 30:00 – 33:00)
33:00 – 42:00 (9 minutes)
3k Echo Bike + Max Squat cleans in remaining time
Women 95/110/125
Men 135/155/185
Women: 65/85/105
Men 95/115/135
Women 55/65/75
Men 65/85/105
Today’s workout may seem long but remember, it’s a partner workout and you’ll only be doing approximately half of it 🙂
Each round kicks off with a little jaunt on the rower, ski erg and bike. Whatever time you have left on the clock, perform squat cleans for the remaining time with your partner. Try going up in weight each round and alternate working partners on the cleans as you wish.