Friday 7-08-22 Workout Of The Day
GYM NEWS: Sorry about the delayed workout posts everyone. Our equipment options are limited from day to day depending on what we’re able to get done. Taking the gym down has been an insane amount of work and we’ve had some amazing help from some of the Starke team making it happen. There is absolutely no way we would be ready to move this weekend without the help of our Starke team.
Thank you for all your patience with the state of the gym as well while we try to prepare for the move, we know it’s not pretty 🙂
Today’s workout…
E2:30 – 7
3 Snatches
Perform three snatch singles from the ground within the first 45 seconds of your 2:30 window.
1. Snatches can be power if you don’t have an optimal overhead squat position
2. If you have a solid overhead squat position, perform squat snatches
3. If you don’t have a great overhead position, perform three individual squat cleans
Form beats weight and the goal is to have three identical snatches if possible.
AMRAP – 10
5 Snatches
6 Front Rack Alternating Lunges
7 Plyo Push Ups / Push-Ups
8 Alternating Pistols (use box if needed)
RX: 95/135#
Intermediate: 65/95#
Beginner: 35/45#
Choose movements and weight you can move consistently with. You should be able to perform at least three controlled touch and go reps with your chosen snatch weight even if you decide to go singles with them in the workout. Plyo push ups are on the ground performed with a clap when your hands leave the ground. Pistols can be free standing, to a box or on a box if needed. Pace yourself and move consistently through the workout. Have Fun!