Monday 03-09-20 Workout Of the Day

4:00 on 4:00 off x 4 rounds

4 min AMRAP
21/24 cal row
21 t2b
max squat cleans @65/95#
rest 4:00
4 min AMRAP
18/21 cal row
18 t2b
max squat cleans @85/115#
rest 4:00
4 min AMRAP
15/18 cal row
15 t2b
max squat cleans @105/155##
rest 4:00
4 min AMRAP
12/15 cal row
12 t2b
max squat cleans @125/185#


Workout Intentions: The work to rest ratio is 1:1 in this workout, so the work periods should be high effort, high intensity. Note that the reps go down each round, and the weight for squat cleans goes up. The first 1-2 rounds should be weight you can touch and go. The third round will likely be quick singles, and the final weight should be challenging but doable for steady singles. You will have more time for cleans in later rounds as the reps decrease, but you will be slower and need more time between reps as the weight increases.