Monday 07-13-2020 Workout Of the Day

A. E2M x 7 sets
1 squat clean thruster +
1 thruster

B. 12 min “FRANRAP”
600m run (buy-in)
AMRAP “Fran” in time remaining
thrusters @65/95#

Workout Notes/Intentions: For Part A, you may choose to hold on to the barbell for both reps, or you can drop the bar after the first rep and reset; as long as you are hitting the second rep within about 10 seconds. You will spend some time building before beginning your sets, and the goal is to get heavy before beginning. Sit down between sets during your rest.

Part B is a variation of the classic benchmark WOD “Fran”. The 600m run is a buy in, so you only run it once. Remaining time will be spent doing Fran as an AMRAP: 21 thrusters 21 pullups, 15 thrusters, 15 pullups, 9 thrusters 9 pullups, then back to 21 thrusters, 21 pullups, 15,15, 9,9, etc. until the 12 minutes is up. The goal is to have at least 8 minutes of work following the buy-in run. Everyone should aim to complete one full “Fran”, and get well into the second round. Some people will likely be able to finish 2 full “Fran”’s.